Saturday, 24 December 2016

A Gallery of my Christmas Display

Hello everyone, and seasons greetings!

I hope that you are having a very nice season of celebrations so far, and that this year has been extremely busy (in a good way, of course!).

If you have been reading my blog for a while now , you will know that my sylvanians love a good celebration, and absoloutely love Christmas. Traditionally, they throw a big party at Beechwood Hall right until Christmas Eve night, partying till late. After that, they go home to leave a bit of sherry and a mince pie by the fire before retiring to bed, bursting with anticipation for the next day.

Now, Christmas eve is tomorrow, and christmas day is the day after that, so I cannot give you details on their gifts, but i can give you a picture tour of their party.

I hope you enjoyed browsing through these photos. I aim to make a post between christmas and new years so you can see what they got and their happy faces!!!

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!!!
Lots and lots and lots and lots (and lots) of love,
Emily xxxxxxx

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Spring Outfits

hello everyone! now recently, its started to become rather hot here in Britain. (yesterday, it was 23 degrees celcius! i know for some people thats not hot at all, but for England thats VERY nice !!)

My sylvanians were moaning on to me about how boiling they were in their heavy, clumpy winter outfits, so it was only right to try and make some more light pieces of clothing!

Since it was so sunny, the Fresian girls (Annabelle, Daisy and Pixie), Wanda Waddlington and her children, Camelia Periwinkle and Cherry Periwinkle decided to go on a picnic in the garden.

I really enjoyed making these outfits, especially Pixie's dungarees. She loves them too, especially the fabric. I have never made dungarees before, but was up for the challenge entirely. i used clasps as the hooks to keep her whole outfit together.

I actually made Cherry's dress using an old cotton shirt scrap piece, and the collar is from the hem.  I thought that since cotton is a very breathable fabric, it would make a lovely skater dress. I also made a hat for Cherry using old felt scraps. I cut out a circle of white felt with a circular hole in the centre, and sewed on pinched green felt for leaves. On top, I sewed a folded piece of red felt to make a rose. I think using a colourful green and red on the hat really contrasts the white of the dress, which adds life to the whole outfit.

I knitted Camelia's piece. I also made her a hat like Cherry's with a blue flower to match the colour of the knit. She was the first character I made an outfit for, and I have to say I really do adore this one! even though it may not be as airy as Cherry's ,  I think it is really original and sweet- which suits her personality. She really likes the stripes (to which I am glad) and comments to me daily on how she adores her new frock!

I really hope you liked these outfits, and maybe they gave you some inspiration for your sylvanians.
Lots of love, Emily xxxx

Friday, 25 March 2016

A look inside my DIY house

Hello everyone! As viewers may know, I do like to make a house. This would have to be my third house now. I made the mole house for the Billabong Koalas, and the two apartments for my waddlington duck family and fresian grandparents.
This house has to be dedicated to the Periwinkles. Kate had her baby on Good Friday, a few days before easter- much to the towns joy. This is Bonnie!

now, this baby deterred the Periwinkles housing arrangement a tad. The Periwinkles lived in the old gypsy caravan- providing two beds. The extra baby meant there was 4 figures without a space to lay down! the family decided a move was best- but cornwood could provide little in housing arrangements. William took matters into his own hands, and with the help of Hornbull Fresian and Elma Mulberry- they got their hands dirty.
So, i did what i do best, and built a two story house.

Fortunately, i did take pictures of the construction process, but, i will admit i can produce some dodgy tutorials, so maybe its better to sit this one out and just observe. ;)
May Mulberry watching the designing and construction process
A Cardboard structure has been made.

the door has its separate little cubby hole.

I started out with a cardboard model- using two shoe boxes to construct a base. It was quite hard to decide what proportions to use- i just had to make sure the tallest figure- William Periwinkle (with his tall ears)- could stand up and move around in such a confined space.

I really think adding a cosy firplace reinforces the idea of a small, farmhouse family cottage.

Once i made the main structure, i added in details such as a fireplace, Mezzanine and stairs.
Next, I did paper mache. since this was a country cottage, uneven floors and ceilings added in a cosy touch. This was the longest part of the building process and was very tiring indeed.

The next step was to paint it. I decided (eventually) on a creme inside and pink outside, with a burgundy roof. It was here that i added an extension onto the second floor, poles to support the inside structure, and a chimney to add to its farm cottage image. The windows and stairs are a dark brown. For some reason, i struggled a lot to make the colour brown during the build. I know it seems ridiculous, considering brown is the easiest colour to accidentally make,  but i just kept making pink and blue blends for some reason. I had to result in getting a brown paint out of storage, but it turned out to gloss over the things i had painted- giving an unexpected sleek finish.

After the paint had set, i made it my mission to add touches such as ivy wrapped around the house. I used wire in some places to make a base- but in others I stuck the 'Oasis: Hobby Craft' moss onto the outside. I added in flowers in some places.

Now came wallpapering- i used actual wallpaper and stuck it in to give a more 'home-y' feel.

Then, i did the final touch of making sure the house was furnished for the new residents. I purchased the 'Cosy Living Room Set' to emphasise that this was a cutesy, country cottage. For Christmas, i was bestowed the gift of the 'Pink Nightlight Nursery Set' from my auntie and uncle. This was perfect, as it allowed two sleeping compartments for Nora and Bonnie Periwinkle.

Now, Kate and William needed a bed, as did Cherry and Peter- so instead of purchasing new beds, I made them.

The bunk bed was manufactured in a few easy manoeuvre's:
1) Cut two high arches and 2 rectangles the same width of the arch out of corrugated cardboard.
2) glue these together like i have in the picture shown.
3) glue foam board to it all to hide cardboard.
4) don with knitted bed spread: blanket and matching singular pillow for each bed space.

The rule was the same with the double bed- which fits perfectly in the mezzanine.

Once Hornbull, Elma, and William were finished, they revealed the surprise to Kate and the rest of the Periwinkle bunch- including newborn Bonnie, straight from Nutwood's hospital. Kate was ecstatic with joy.

The old gypsy caravan wasn't empty for very long. The Buttermilk Periwinkle Grandparents were eager to move out of their hobbit hut into the more spacious room with Camelia. This left Zafrina and Goaty Potter a place to rest.

Cherry and Peter enjoyed running around in a more open space, and playing board games by the wood burner, which sat (SNUGGLY, it was hard to get in) in the fireplace. Nora enjoyed her tea time set and her rocking horse, as well as her new, beautiful cot. William and Kate were happy to have a bed- they had too sleep on the floor in their old home. Bonnie slept silently in Kate's arms, as she rocked her to sleep to the sound of the calming radio and the creeks of their beautiful, hand carved rocking chair.

I hope you liked this update, I will be back again soon to fill you in on Cornwood's Easter Celebrations! 
Lots of Love, Emily xxxxxx