Peppa Hamilton delivered all the presents from the town square that morning, leaving all the presents outside the citizens doors.
When the presents where all collected, all the families sat down to open their wonderful gifts.
Maise Hamilton received a Santa figure, spice received a ball and ham got a book on gardening which he ADORED!

The Frisian girls recieved beautiful dresses which they believe came from the workshop of Camelia Periwinkles collections!
Speaking of Camelia, she was given some pink neon felt she wanted for her neon range! Lots of dresses where going to be made for summer...
All of the residents came to the square before going home for lunch to celebrate and sing carols. They where all happy... The End.

WAIT! Yes, I'm happy for them and all but look at the amount of wrapping I have to sort out now! Ugh....
P.s. I am now posting from the iPad I got for Xmas, there fore the picture quality is probably better!