It was my original website, but I wanted to update more freely, so all hail EMILYS SYLVANIAN FAMILIES! But it includes some stories, how to decorate your village, what to actually do with your sylvanians (I must admit sometimes I don't know what to do with the cuties! ;) ) How to make dresses (with templates) and lots, lots more! ENJOY! (Two parts to this story again, but this ones a bit more long!)
SO..... did I ever tell you how the mayor of cornwood BECAME the mayor of cornwood? Or how the family got there in the first place? Well....lets zoom back, back and back before Cornwood was open to the public and well known.............................................BACK TO 2011!
The creme cats where travellers, explorers, if you like. They had always wanted to settle down, but had to find a nice, suitable village to raise their children in. One day, they jumped into a taxi, and asked for Nutwood. Nutwood was a big sylvanian city with lots of jobs and big houses. They planned to stay there for a while. Unfortunetly, the taxi driver could not hear Troy because they where in Nutwood's neighbouring city, Oakwood. The vehicles zoomed past so fast that the driver thought they asked for Cornwood. A peacuful, quiet village 50 miles away from anywhere else. Very remote, very exclusive. But beautiful.
The taxi pulled up in Cornwood. The family thought they where in the out skirts of Nutwood. When the taxi had left, Troy found a villager and asked them where they could rest for the night.
"Ummm.....There are some houses down in Lower Cornwood....." Hornbull stuttered. He didn't know these strangers.
"LOWER CORNWOOD?!" Troy boomed. "CORNWOOD?!"
"Yep, this is Cornwood.." Hornbull was a bull, but a shy one at that. He continued his job at putting up signs for Mr.Periwinkles business of sign making.
"Come to think of it, there's only 1 house here up for sale."
troy looked around. He did not care for a city anymore, he wanted to live in Cornwood for his children's sake.
"How much?" Troy questioned. "Oh, you get it for free if you become the mayor." Hornbull answered politely. Hornbull left and Troy read the sign.
Another contestant for the job was Hornbulls boss, William Periwinkle.
He put up silly posters with a silly drawring of him on, hoping to persuade the adults.
Finally, it was election day, and it looked like Periwinkle was winning the crowd over.
Near the end of the day, The Previous Mayor and The richest lady (Maise Hamilton) Stood up on the podium and announced the winner.
" WAIT!"
The crowd handed it down without looking to the previous mayor.
And then, a few weeks later, after the three members of the Creme cat family had moved in (Troy, his wife Zoe, and their son Dylan)
Troy announced something.
ALSO, Here is Troys improved poster. William Periwinkle offered to touch it up for him for free to promote his sign company.